Marine Chemist Service welcomes you to their newly revised website.
In addition to a different look, the site has been updated with their latest products and services. There is also an abundance of useful, technical information ranging from safety to environmental topics.
For ease of navigation, Marine Chemist Service’s website has been divided into five main sections:
- About Us
- Products
- Services
- Forms
- Information/Links

About Us
This section contains the most often requested information regarding MCS such as a listing of the company’s credentials, directions to both of their facilities, point-of-contacts, and available employment opportunities. This area also contains items of special interest such as the corporate history and a message from the president.
Products and Services
The next two sections contain the five “Product” lines and six “Service” lines Marine Chemist Service is best known. Within each of their products and services are additional information links that will undoubtedly be of interest to many. Their product lines include non-sparking tools for use when mechanical work takes place around potentially explosive atmospheres; specialized UV lamps and sterilizer systems used in the electronics industry, hospitals, and water treatment; high purity water systems, cartridges and tanks for hospitals, laboratories and other point of use needs; portable blowers (a.k.a. ventilators), coolers and heaters for confined space entry and many other applications; ion-exchange resin and activated carbon for water purification; and their own patented, positive identification, lockout/tagout device for burners (a.k.a. cutters) called the BHISD. The six services include consultations and inspections by Certified Marine Chemists (CMC) and Industrial Hygienist (CIH); field operations for sample collection, inspections and surveys; environmental and industrial hygiene laboratory for analyzing asbestos, hexavalent chromium, lead, mold, and the like; non-destructive testing of metal plate for thickness (usually hulls of ships) and welds for cracks, and over 30 safety- and environmentally-related training courses.
Routinely requested documents can be downloaded from this section. This should prove to be a tremendous benefit to Marine Chemist Service’s clients. It is a convenient way to obtain original documents instead of lesser quality faxes; and clients will not have to wait for them to show up days later in the mail. A partial list of forms found in this section include: credit and employment applications, training schedules and course registrations, chain of custodies (which are used when submitting laboratory samples), etc.
This is where many useful resources are can be found. Examples here include links to government and other sites, technical information on hazardous materials such as asbestos and lead, and “enews” containing items related to the industries MCS and their clients serve. Using Marine Chemist Service as a resource to keep up with current events is one of the best reasons for revisiting their website time and again.
MCS hopes those viewing their site will truly benefit from its content. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve this site, including making it even more user friendly or a greater resource for your particular needs, please contact Marine Chemist Service at your earliest convenience. As mentioned in their corporate history, MCS has been listening to the needs of their clients for 40 years and, consequently, takes all comments and suggestions very seriously. Thank you in advance for all your help . . . again!