Corporate History
Nearly six decades ago, in 1966, Bob and Sally Walker had a vision to develop a company dedicated to serving the maritime industry.
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MCS Credentials Marine Chemist Service is a highly diversified Virginia corporation that has two separate facilities, 11 different products and services, and 54 years of experience.
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Employment Opportunities
Interested in working for Marine Chemist? See what positions we may have for you, and the details on how and what you need to apply. We hope to hear from you!
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Message from the President
Just prior to the turn of the 21st century, a number of people experienced real anxiety as they contemplated what the future held. Of particular concern was the perceived inability of computers to properly deal with the upcoming “00” date. Remember? As a consequence, fears of planes falling out of the sky and the entire planet shutting down made daily papers and evening news. Fortunately, very few of those concerns were ever realized.
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Marine Chemist Service welcomes you to their newly revised website. In addition to a different look, the site has been updated with their latest products and services. There is also an abundance of useful, technical information ranging from safety to environmental topics.